Describe your image

About Cecilia Broder
Having grown up in a small town in the Texas panhandle, I became intrigued with the wide open spaces and a sky that seemed to never end. The colors of a Texas sunset and the stars shining like diamonds in the night shaped how I see the world.
My love of photography began with a gift from my parents - a Brownie Starlet camera - at the age of 10. Self-taught and with an array of opportunities to learn from others, I began capturing my vision of the world.
My portfolio takes you to far away places and to my backyard, to cityscapes and the countryside. It takes the ordinary and moves beyond; maybe on a journey of reflection. My images reflect what I am thinking, feeling and seeing at the moment.
For me, images may appear using my iPhone, digital single-lens reflex or film camera. It is not solely about the camera, the lens or technical know-how, but about the light, shapes, shadows, the smallest of things.
As I wander near and far capturing the feeling of the area, there is a sense of tranquility that comes about. Being totally immersed in the moment brings a sense of calm even in the busiest of cities.
Life’s tapestry has interwoven a love of photography and a career focusing on social justice issues. Both have taught me to slow down and truly listen, to be creative in finding new directions and never stop believing.
Examples of work that have been developed to educate, build “public will” and encourage individuals to stop and spend a few moments reflecting include:
“Exposure – Homelessness through the lens of art and poetry,” Women’s Homelessness Initiative, Denver, CO. Finalist - Next Generation Indie Book Awards. The book takes you on a journey of art and reflection and is written from the voices of the women who are experiencing homelessness and the volunteers who give their time and presence.
(Copies Available)

“Who Will We Be When the Masks Come Off,” - as an individual, community, nation, the world.” A year, into the pandemic, wearing a mask had become common. When we put the mask down, will we be the same? Have we changed; will we remember?
Exhibition - La Nueva Cara - The New Face, “Who Will We Be When the Masks Come Off - as an individual, community, nation, the world,” Installation, Museo De Las Americas, Denver CO, 2021
Click here to see the video - presenting over 50 responses to the question.
This installation is now in the Permanent Collection of History Colorado, Denver, CO.
Video - Discovery Digital Network Episode: This happened HERE —Who Are “The Disappeared” of Argentina? Thousands of people disappeared from Argentina during the Dirty War and never returned. Today their families still search for answers. See the video here.

“The camera only opens the door; the image tells the story”.
“Step into the Gap, Believe”